Around the World 2023
In March and April 2023, we are on a trip to see a wedding in Dublin, go on a tour of Sri Lanka, drive to an eclipse in Western Australia, and tour East Timor. We have brief visits in several other places, including the Louvre Abu Dhabi (pictured). There's a weblog.
Lebanon and Europe 2022
In August and September 2022, we went on a trip to see friends in Lebanon and Romania, and then to the Venice Film Festival and Biennale. Afterwards we saw friends in Germany, and revisited Documenta in Kassel. There's a weblog.
South America and Europe 2019
We went on a trip to see an eclipse in Argentina, to tour Bolivia and Peru, and to visit a friend in Medellin. After a brief stop back home, we went to the Venice Film Festival and Biennale, and toured the Caucasus. There's a weblog.
Europe, Haiti, and Appalachia
We went on a trip in April 2018 to see friends and concerts in Europe, a wedding in North Carolina, and to visit the groom at his workplace in Haiti. There's a weblog.
Eclipse, Europe, Ethiopia
We went on a relatively long trip to see the eclipse in Idaho, to see art and film and friends in Europe, and to tour Ethiopia. There's a weblog.
Fiji Makeup Trip
The trip to Micronesia started with a flight to Fiji canceled because of Tropical Cyclone Winston. So in September/October 2016, we used a travel credit to go to Fiji after all, also spending time on Tonga, Christmas Island, Hawaii, and Kauai. Here's a few notes we took on the trip.
In March 2016, we went on an eclipse cruise from the Solomon Islands, to Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, and ending in Palau. We spent a few days in Taipei on the way home. There will be pictures eventually.
Europe & Brazil 2015
We went on a wedding tour with ceremonies in Seattle, Edinburgh, and Sao Paulo, filling the rest of the time with touring around. We wrote about our adventures in this weblog.
Trinidad & Tobago
We went on a quick birdwatching trip in Trinidad and Tobago in February 2015. There will be pictures.
Eastern Europe & Scandinavia 2014
We went to another wedding in Romania in 2014. We also visited Berlin, Warsaw, Belarus, St. Petersburg, Finland, Sweden, and Copenhagen. We wrote about our adventures in this weblog. There aren't any pictures yet.
Mediterranean Summer 2013
We went on a seven-week trip from Israel to Venice via Cyprus, Greek islands, and former Yugoslavian countries. We wrote about our adventures in this weblog. There aren't any pictures yet.
End of the World
We went on a quick trip to avoid Christmas and to see the Mayan sites as they celebrated Baktuun 13. We wrote about our adventures in this weblog. There aren't any pictures yet.
The Year of the Water Dragon
We went on a quick around-the-world trip to celebrate birthdays and to go on a eclipse cruise. We wrote about our adventures in this weblog. There aren't any pictures yet.
Australia 2012
We went on another seven-week trip to see the next transit of Venus, this time in Australia. We shunned the large cities and drove a campervan from Darwin to Perth, took the train to Adelaide, flew to Alice Springs and then to Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef. We stopped in Fiji on the way there and back to see our friend.We wrote about our adventures in this weblog. And there are pictures! |
Ibiza & Spitsbergen 2011
We went to Ibiza in 2011 to stay with some of our friends from Romania, and then flew on to Norway to see friends and to take a cruise around the Arctic island of Spitsbergen. We didn't maintain a weblog, but it turned out to be a fairly dramatic vacation which is described here. You can see the stunning pictures from the trip here.
Balkans and Baltics
In autumn 2010 Ray visited Albania and Macedonia on his way to another wedding in Romania. I met him in Paris, then we saw friends in London and Stockholm. Finally we drove from Tallinn to Lithuania and back. There are pictures.
South Pacific 2010
We went to the South Pacific in July 2010. We were lucky to see an eclipse south of Tahiti between visits to Huahine and Moorea. We explored the Melanesian region including New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands, and made brief visits to Fiji and Tonga.You can see the pictures or read the weblog. |
Vienna and Berlin
In April 2010 we met our friends in Vienna, and then spent several days exploring Berlin. There are pictures of this cute little trip.
Trans-Siberia 2009
We saw an eclipse from a cruise ship near Iwo Jima, then took the Trans-Siberian railroad from Beijing through Mongolia, Lake Baikal, and Tuva to Moscow and Kiev.You can see the pictures or read the weblog. |
Argentina & Antarctica 2008-9
We flew to Buenos Aires, drove down the coast, took a National Geographic cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula, and then drove along the foothills of the Andes, through Mendoza, to Iguazu Falls, and then back. You can see the pictures or read the weblog. |
China 2008
We went to China to see an eclipse in the western province of Xinjiang. We traveled by land, and were able to see a few other places in China including Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai. We proceeded from there to Seoul, Macau, and Hong Kong, and then Ray continued to a wedding in Romania with various other stops along the way.You can see the pictures or read the weblog. |
Burning Man 2007
The theme of 2007's Burning Man was "The Green Man", emphasizing the effects of man on the environment. The pavilion underneath the Man was a little environmental museum, with exhibits for example illustrating the carbon footprint of various human activities (including Burning Man itself). The pavilion was powered by a massive solar array, which was donated to the nearby town of Gerlach after the festival was over.
Europe 2007
We had considered hanging out with some friends in southern France in June 2007. We were very lucky and got a reservation at El Bulli for June as well. And then a friend of ours from Romania announced a wedding in May. So we built a vacation around these, spending about eight weeks touring around Europe. We basically followed a line from Romania to Portugal, with a side trip to Oslo.There's also a weblog. |
Thanksgiving 2006 in Mexico City
We spent a long Thanksgiving 2006 weekend in Mexico City. What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than by visiting an American culture which was merely made to undergo religious conversion instead of annihilation? We stayed in the heart of downtown a block or two away from the main square and cathedral.
Japan 2006
Our friend Jonnie invited us to Tokyo to be guests at his traditional Shinto wedding in September of 2006. Having an actual reason to go to a place is the best. We went right out and bought suits. We also visited Kamakura, Hakone, Kyoto, and Nara.
Mali & Niger 2006
In March and April 2006, we spent six weeks in West Africa. First we went on a private tour of Mali, which took us through Burkina Faso and parts of Niger, dropping us off in Agadez. Then we joined a larger desert eclipse expedition in Niger's Air Mountains and Tenere Desert. After that we made our way through Benin. Finally, we went to Paris for a week of food and museums.There's also a weblog. A year later, there was some unfortunate news. |
Italy & Tunisia 2005
We spent seven weeks in late 2005 mostly in Italy and Tunisia. Twelve days in Tunisia were followed by visits to Malta, Sicily, Pompeii, Sardinia, Pisa, Istria, and Venice. Ray spent an additional two weeks in Eastern Europe, mostly visiting friends in Romania.There's also a weblog. |
South Pacific 2005
In March and April 2005 we went on a six-week trip to the South Pacific, including 16 days in New Zealand, and a two-week cruise from Tahiti to see a solar eclipse and Pitcairn Island.There's also a weblog. |
Galápagos 2004
During our Middle East / Europe trip in summer 2004, we received a message from our old friend Rob Poor that he was having a wedding in Quito in October. We'd always wanted to visit the Galápagos, and this was the perfect occasion to do so (as it was for several of the other wedding guests as well.) We also spent a few days in Costa Rica on the way and the way back.
Venus & Ulysses 2004
We went on a seven-week trip highlighted by two events a week apart in two completely different countries: the transit of Venus in Egypt, and the celebration of Bloomsday in Ireland. So it was really two trips back to back: the first trip was to Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, and the second trip was to Ireland, England, and France.There's also a weblog. |
Burning Man 2003
We went to Burning Man again in 2003, after a six-year absence. Our friends had a nice camp set up in a great location, and we stayed with them.
Around the World in 68 Days 2002-3
At the end of 2002, we returned to southern Africa to see the second eclipse in two years. From there, we crossed India by train, visited Bangkok and Angkor Wat, and went to Tasmania and southeastern Australia.There's also a weblog. |
Southern Africa 2001
In mid-2001 we went on a memorable safari in Botswana, and saw the first of two eclipses in a national park in Zambia.
Turkey 1999
In August 1999, we went on a trip to Turkey and Eastern Europe. We saw the eclipse we expected to see, but we didn't expect the earthquake that happened as well.